I am 56 years old. I have no family. Despite my mental illness, I have worked for over 20 years. I need financial, material and prayer help. I will not have any financial resources for the rest of my life. 70% of my pension is taken to a Nursing Home and 30% to a bailiff. I will have more and more debt because I will not even pay interest. If I manage to overcome the problem of leaving the Nursing Home, I will be looking for a job. I am an IT technician but no specialization. I send my CV but for IT positions. Already after 1 day from the announcement, there are about 20 applications. My CV is rejected due to my age. I have described my life in the “My story” tab. Please read it. All I have is an old computer, monitor and recovered scanner. I miraculously got a small printer. With the last money I bought a toner. I have a lot of official matters. Most are dealt with through internet. I have to top up my phone, buy printer paper, lots of different things, like a light bulb for the lamp at my table. Stamps for letters, envelopes. I drink a lot of water because I have diabetes. I have to drink tap water. I overcome problems such as buying paper clips. The Social Welfare Center demands about 4,000 GBP from me, even though it even refused to give me soup for the poor. He took me 3 times to court. I have a lot of official matters. Nursing home not so much that it doesn’t help, it doesn’t even want to know about my affairs. I’m alone. Please read the “My story” tab.
